Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Do the Shuffle
Well, in a good news/ bad news sort of way, as the news has mostly been bad around my workplace.
The news is: I WILL NOT HAVE TO WORK FULL-TIME IN DECEMBER/ JANUARY/ FEBRUARY as I was scheduled to! I was supposed to cover for my pregnant co-worker, Jordyn, when she went on leave. She had a lot of vacation time racked up, so it would have been about two months. My mom and I were dreading it, and it would have been hardest on Luci. But now, the new bosses are shuffling Jordyn down to Sales, shuffling an accountant who got shuffled to Sales last week up to Catering to take Jordyn's spot, and leaving me where I am (for now). It doesn't really make sense to me, as Jordyn knows Catering well and neither of us knows Sales, nor does the accountant know Catering (so wouldn't it have been easier to shuffle me down there, rather than having EVERYBODY in a new and unfamiliar position??)... But whatev. If they wanted chaos, they have succeeded wildly.
The bad news is that I'm half-expecting to get canned altogether any day, as positions are being slashed left and right. The hospitality industry isn't doing well in this economic climate, obviously, and my Red Lion has undergone some major changes in the two months I've been there.
And it's been an extremely unpleasant place to work lately, as I never feel like I'm doing a good job, and everybody is so stressed out. It still blows my mind that we use such archaic software... and THAT is why everyone is so stressed, I'm convinced. It is so amazingly inefficient. I rarely get my work done in the time I am given, and it's gotten to the point where I feel guilty for leaving on time.
But part of me also thinks that nothing would fix the stress... Maybe these people are stress-addicts and don't function in a positive work environment. They always find SOMETHING to snip at me about (and ohhh do I hate snippiness...), and maybe it makes them feel better. What makes ME feel better is hurrying home in the middle of their day and putting those crazy people and their crazy stress out of my mind. :)
And now, for a complete change of gears, a Robinism. This happened a couple weeks ago, but I forgot to Blog it.
We were sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner, with Luci up on the table in her Bumbo. My dad noticed that her soft spot was pulsating.
"Isn't that interesting?" he said. He put his finger on it to feel it beat.
Robin was also very interested. She tried to feel it, but it took a minute for Luci to sit still enough for her to feel it.
"WEIRD," she said when she finally felt it. "I can feel her heartbeat!"
"Yep," I said.
"Weird," she said again. Then, thoughtfully, "I wonder why her heart is in her head."
Maybe that's what's wrong with my co-workers...
Monday, October 27, 2008
To Danielle (or other XC Skiing Enthusiasts)
So I'M set... But the thing is, he wants Luci to come on these adventures. His first idea was to pull her on a sled. When I pointed out that she is never content to sit and go along for the ride (always has to be standing, movin' and shakin'), he first said, "Well, maybe-- and this may sound mean-- maybe we could let her stand up and fall over into the snow, get a face full, and then she would know not to do that." (I was pretty much at a loss for words. I maintain the hope that he was kidding, but we're never really sure.)
His next idea was to strap her down (duct tape, perhaps) into the sled. I remained unconvinced. So we asked somebody at the Ski Swap if there was something safe to use to tow her. There is, we learned. We also learned it's over FOUR HUNDRED dollars.
My plan all along was to throw her in a back pack (the framed kind, not like Adam's school bag or anything) or my Ergo Baby. But is that even safe? What if I fall? Will she freeze if she's just along for the ride?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Thanks for the Heads Up...

But she's still a cute monster.
Friday, October 10, 2008
A Day in the Life... Friday

Coming back into the house feels like a blast of heat to our cold cheeks and noses. Spaghetti is in the works, and I manage to feed Luci her dinner and get her bathed before grown-up food is on the table. Spaghetti is one of my current favorite things to eat, not only because it's delicious, but because I can entertain Luci for quite a while if I give her a noodle or two, and I'm able to eat in relative peace. We still don't have a high chair, as the Bumbo plus tray is still working perfectly for that function without taking up any extra space.
Luci starts another meltdown before I've finished eating, but I'm doubtful that she's going to go down easy. It take her down to the chair again, and again, it ends in horrific nipple-torturing antics. I try just rocking her for about 10 minutes, and she alternates between monkeying around and snuggling into my chest. The snuggles are heavenly, but it's frustrating to watch her fight sleep as usual. When she starts whining to get down, I give up and take her back upstairs. My mom looks at me sympathetically, and takes Luci back down to see if she can get her settled. I give them about 10 minutes, then go down. She's still up, whimpering and wiggling in my mom's lap as she rocks Luci.

I take her and try nursing again, and to my delight, this one's a go. She's out in minutes, but I give her a few extra minutes to flutter-suck to make sure she's really asleep.
As I type this, she is still sleeping in her crib, and my eyes are burning. I can't believe I'm this tired at 9pm even after having had a nap today. Adam should be off in 10 or 15 minutes, and I will jump out of my chair to run and meet him when he walks in the door. His schedule is killer these days, and he's not the only one who suffers for it. I'm taking it a little harder than I thought I would, but I never feel good when I know he is stressed, and I miss him all the time. Our bank account is in much better shape these days, but sometimes I wonder if it's worth all the stress. He took up smoking again this week, and not just occasionally. He went from "I quit" to full-blown addiction in a matter of days. I don't like it, but he knows that, and it isn't worth fighting about. I have never understood how smoking factors into the stress-- doesn't it just add more stress?? Now on top of everything else on his plate, he has those nagging urges that make him antsy all the time. I'm trying my best not to get on his case about it, but I not-so-secretly can't wait until he quits again. :(
I'm off to wash off the makeup I've already smudged and rubbed all over my itchy eyes a thousand times today. And then I'll be running up to greet Smoky the Bear with a big hug, and probably the requisite foot and/ or back rub he gets out of me most days. :)
Is it really Friday? I don't know where the time goes these days.