or should I say, "Nose Up?"
Alternatively titled: "How I am Learning What Kind of Mom I Am"
I joined my lovely friend Jen for lunch at the Olive Garden yesterday afternoon. I hadn't been there in a long time, and hadn't been out to lunch with Luci in a long time (not since her tranquil, immobile days when I could go anywhere with her happily strapped in her car seat), so I wasn't really prepared for the craziness that ensued. Luci was a terror, though a happy terror. She was doing her "crazy scream" (= happy, not mad) most of the time, which is so cute and funny when we are at home, and much less cute and funny in public to other people who JUST WANT TO EAT MINESTRONE IN FREAKIN' PEACE, if you wouldn't mind.
So after a chaotic meal in which my minestrone and breadstick offerings wound up smeared all over Luci's pale pink sweatshirt, and during which we incurred many a dirty look from the ever-so-civilized minestrone-eating crowd mentioned above, we got up to leave. I put Luci on the floor as I gathered our belongings.
"EXCUSE ME," I heard from the general direction on two stylish thirtysomethings.
I ignored.
"EXCUSE ME!" the woman persisted.
I looked up. "Yes?"
"Your baby just ate something off the FLOOR! She put it-- she put something in her MOUTH off the FLOOR."
I looked down at Luci. "Oh," I said, "Yeah, that's just bread. It's okay." I picked her up.
She looked at me in total, unconcealed horror.
Next time, I think we'll do Chuck E. Cheese.

But she's still a cute monster.
Haha! Definitely a cute little monster! Is that her halloween costume? Too adorable! I loved this story and can so relate (:
Me, too! Yes, she is a very cute little monster. I love the picture of her, too. I wish I could smooch her!
that is so funny! I can see the "horror" in their eyes :)
Yes, she really is the sweetest monster! Is that her Halloween costume?
Love it! And welcome to the "whatever it takes to get some freakin peace" parenting club.
BTW, is that you in those sexy heals?!?!?!? Hot mama. My feet haven't seen heals since who knows when.
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