Thursday, November 6, 2008

We made it!!

Well, no, in fact, we did not "make it" to our final destination, or even our intended destination for the day. But the weather was not our friend, nor was the darkness (where the eff where you, daylight???), so we are just exceptionally glad to be alive, whole and unscathed here in our Best Western hotel in Cranbrook.

I am a massive sissy when it comes to the road. I have many intense fears, including but not limited to:
--Semi-trucks--Driving in the dark--DEER AND/ OR ANYTHING RESEMBLING "WILDLIFE" ON OR NEAR THE ROADWAY ("near" including any point within the same zipcode as my vehicle (Did I mention that I passed someone who had HIT AN ELK today?? Oh my god. The beast appeared to be alive, though injured, and was sitting on the road. Either that or it was a cow. I'm not completely sure, but either way: TERRIFYING.)--Curves in the road (my heart skips a beat when I see one of those squiggly arrow signs)--Single-lane highways--Oncoming traffic (or, uh, traffic in general. I get nervous about my fellow drivers on the highway)--Lack of traffic (I panic when driving alone)--WEATHER (in any form. Rain, snow, fog, clouds, pure sunshine, whatever. If it could affect my driving in any way, I fear it.)--Screaming backseat children.

Unfortunately, all of the above were on the menu today, most notably the WEATHER and the DARKNESS. It snowed almost the entire drive. Thankfully, it wasn't too cold, so the snow wasn't sticking. But visibility sucked, and even though the roads weren't icy, there were 80 million signs in middle-of-nowhere North Idaho and British Columbia that said, "Watch for Ice." And I was watching, believe me. I had a heart attack every time I curved a little too sharply and hallucinated about skating on the nonexistant ice.

I have a problem with horrible, morbid, worst-case-traffic-related-scenario thoughts creeping into my brain as I'm trying to stay positive and not hallucinate. It was a major challenge not to let my mind go there as I drove the dark, snowy highway with my sometimes angelic, sometimes not-so-angelic girl in the backseat.

And that is why I called it quits around 6, when we finally rolled into something resembling civilization. We're about an hour from my intended destination today, but I will happily get up earlier tomorrow and drive the extra hour in the daylight. We're about 7 hours away from Edmonton (our ultimate goal), so hopefully Luci can tolerate that much time on the road in one day.

Our hotel has a pool with a waterslide, which was fun for about 20 minutes, at which point I realized that Luci was really never going to warm up, and we headed back to our room for a nice, warm bath. All Luci really wanted to do was explore the toilet-- her latest obsession-- and unravel the entire roll of toilet paper. I feel sorry for the housekeeper that gets this room tomorrow.

I wish I could get some rest, but I've just completed my fourth attempt at getting Luci down, and it ain't happenin'. Something is weird with her lately, and I am beginning to wonder if she's getting a molar. Or, I should say, I am hoping it's something like a molar, lest this be a permanent change in behavior. Bedtime is a nightmare (well, more of one) these days. :(
So we're watching Sesame Street, littering the floor with cracker crumbs, and screaming in our crabby, overtired-but-can't-sleep state.

But HEY! We're in CANADA! On our first ever family vacation! Adam flies up tomorrow, and then the real fun begins.


Chris said...

I didn't know you guys were going on a vacation!! How fun! I was getting a little worried for you until I read, "Adam flies up tomorrow". I couldn't imagine you going on vacation with just you and Luci. :)
It seems as if everyone's getting snow. We were supposed to get 4-8 a couple days ago, but it stayed west for all the ski slopes. We don't have a trace of snow yet.
Be careful on the road! I'll pray for no deer or elk....or wildlife of any kind. :)
Have a great vacation! How long are you there for??

Julie B said...

Have fun! I didn't know you guys were going!
I am the same way with the road, especially with all the deer around us! I am so scared I am going to hit one with the girls in the car and it will definitely traumatize them (and me-I hit a raccoon once and cried for days)
Anyway-again, HAVE FUN!! I don't know if I could drive by myself-I probably would have waited for Adam :) so good for you!

Julie B said...

oh, and its in the 70's and sunny here!! So crazy...I hope we get SOME snow this year!

Peace is every step said...

Yay! A vacation! Your night terrors on the road is a little too similar to our drive to Spokane from Glacier. My neck still hurts from the tension!

I was really wondering the same thing as Chris...maybe you were running away?

No snow here yet. But plenty of animals on the road.

Adam said...

To limit the amount of time off school/work, we decided to do a one-way ticket for me after school on Friday; it was too expensive to fly all of us there. A friend of mine is getting married this weekend, so we're using it as an excuse to see the Edmonton Mall and take a two day trip to Banff. Should be fun.

Effin' Canadians.